President Tebboune's address to Non-Aligned Virtual Summit
Mr. President, Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,Majesties, Highnesses and Excellencies,
I am pleased, at the outset, to express my thanks and my consideration to the friendly Republic of Azerbaijan for its active chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement and the invitation to hold this Summit which will undoubtedly strengthen the cooperation and coordination amongst member States in all areas, especially in tackling the global crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this hurting circumstances for all countries all over the world, I cannot fail to extend my sincerest condolences to the families of the victims of this pandemic, may the Almighty bestow His Mercy upon them, while praying for speedy recovery to those infected.
Mr. President,
This Summit is held in an extraordinary situation and an international context full of unilateral decisions taken to face an unprecedented pandemic, in a way that is deeply worrying and challenging to all peoples and Governments, and it is, at the same time, a motivation to strengthen the multilateralism and to coordinate the efforts, commensurate with the collective responsibility imposed by the situation.
This context brings me to remind one of the most important principles of our Movement, which is the consolidation of common interests and cooperation, based on multilateral relations, as a cornerstone in achieving the goals set up by the founding fathers of our Movement.
These goals stem from the spirit of the UN Charter and the Bandung principles and were strengthened by 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals.
The current challenges induced by this pandemic, and its unprecedented effects on all the socioeconomic areas, augur radical changes in the structure of international relations and urge the Non-Aligned Movement, as the largest international bloc within the UN, to assume its responsibilities as a pivotal international actor in strengthening global peace and security and that of an advocate for peoples' aspirations and fundamental rights of which, the right to a Universal health-coverage is one of the solid pillars.
The current crisis requires the reinforcement of coordination, cooperation and solidarity between the countries of our Movement, and taking urgent measures to mitigate its severe consequences, which requires that our Movement reaffirms its ability to adapt to stand as a key player in the international order.
Mr. President,
With the rapid spread of the epidemic, all States complied with WHO recommendations by taking a series of decisions at the national level to support the preventive measures capable of slowing down the contagion.
In this regard, since the first contamination cases were reported, Algeria has set up quarantine, reinforced preventive measures and intensified awareness-raising campaigns towards citizens, in order to increase the level of health awareness, knowing that the right to health and the Universal health coverage is a constitutional right in Algeria, based on a voluntary policy that includes all social categories without any discrimination or exclusion.
Algeria also took several measures to optimize the available national human and material resources. Indeed, Algeria allocates every year more than the third of its incomes to human development which could contribute to the consolidation of the national capabilities in view of decreasing the propagation of the Covid- 19 pandemic and reducing its impact. I cannot fail, here, to reiterate my support and gratitude to those working tirelessly and relentlessly at the front-line to tackle this unusual challenge.
On the other hand, Algeria put in place several solidarity emergency mechanisms in favor of categories affected by this situation, through allocating financial assistance, to fully take in charge the vulnerable categories in the society, and the adoption of a plan aiming at minimizing the impact of the pandemic on the national economy, which will allow a swift return to a normal production pace, as well as providing all the necessary means to repatriate nationals stuck in different countries
around the world, according to a well considered plan, while taking the necessary safeguards.
Mr. President,
Furthermore, my country is deeply convinced that all these national efforts should be supported by further international measures based on cooperation and exchange of views and experiences in this area, so as to strengthen the relations of brotherhood and solidarity between our countries, and unite the efforts of our Movement countries, on one hand, and sub-regional, regional organizations and international actors, on the other hand.
I stress, here, the importance of an equitable, timely and effective access for all countries, particularly the developing ones, to any future Covid-19 vaccines, as well as supporting the WHO's efforts, consistent with resolution 27 417 4 of the General Assembly.
From this rostrum, I call on the UN Security Council to meet in the nearest possible future and to adopt resolution through which it appeal solemnly for an immediate cessation of all hostilities all over the world, particularly in Libya, without losing sight of the situation in territories and countries under occupation like in Palestine and Western Sahara... it is imperative we strive to give all actors, wherever conflicts exist, the opportunity to fight the Covid-I9 pandemic.
I also put forward the proposal to start thinking as from now on the elaboration of a work plan that enable us to alleviate,, as much as possible, the repercussions of the pandemic everywhere in developing countries, especially in Africa, and to help revitalizing all these countries which can be significantly affected by its aftermaths.
Our Movement principles require us to support the just causes and to disapprove unilateral measures that would hamper the international efforts to eradicate this epidemic and affect fundamental human rights, while renewing the call to lift the restrictions and barriers imposed on countries, to enable them joining these efforts and ensure Universal health coverage for their citizens.
Mr. President,
In closing, I would like to reaffirm Algeria's full commitment to take part in all the endeavors under the aegis of the Non-Aligned Movement, in order to strengthen the ranks and reinforce the efforts to
fight this pandemic. In this regard, I value the decision to put in place, within the Movement, a Task Force which will be, inter alia, a tool to exchange information and share experiences in fighting this epidemic in all phases.
I also express my full readiness to contribute to the promotion of international efforts to contain the virus and mitigate its socioeconomic consequences, hoping full success to member States' efforts to fight the epidemic and expressing Algeria's unwavering readiness to upgrade the relations of cooperation that unite our friendly countries.
Algeria has the conviction that the continued success of our Movement depends on its unity and the respect of its members' diversity, as well as valuing its ability to constructively interact with the rapidly changing international landscape, which reinforce our confidence in the future of the Movement as an outstanding forum for expressing its peoples' aspirations and an effective framework to their achievement, so as to serve the security, peace, stability and decent living worldwide.
Thank you for attention and Peace be Upon You