National Service
Decree No. 74/103 of 11/15/1974 regarding the National Military Service
1.Annual census
According to the mentioned decree, the Algerian nationals, aged 18 years old, residing within the China are listed annually during an officially declared period in the national census file, upon a personal attendance with the following documents:
- Birth certificate
- Copy of the consular registration card
- Current scholarship certificate
- 02 photographs
NB: a census certificate is issued to the concerned people. However, those concerned and retarded during their census period are automatically listed according to the law.
2. Application for an exemption
The application for an exemption is possible for medical or social reason, in both cases, the file should include in addition to the identity documents, residency documents and the regular photographs, the certificates and medical reports proving the disease or the disability or the documents proving the applicant’s social situation.
3. Application for deferment or extension of the deferment
The required documents remain the same as the census file documents with the current’s year scholarship or vocational training certificate
4. Application for duplicate national military service documents in cases of loss or damage
In case of loss or damage of national service document (card, certificate, book) the following is a must:
- Edit a signed statement at the Embassy
- Apply the duplicate by furnishing in addition to the identity documents and three photographs, a copy the missing document if any
5. Government procedures to settle the status of young Algerians towards national service
i. Continuing the implementation of the situation settlement of national service
As per the instruction No. 85/1999 regarding the settlement of the Algerian youth status towards the national military service, the Embassy implements the procedures extended to the citizens born in 1987.
The settlement file contains the following documents:
- Birth Certificate
- Copy of the consular registration card
- 03 photographs of order
ii. Exemption adult citizens reaching 30 years old and over until December 31st , 2011
As per the presidential decree exempting the adult citizens aged to December 31st, 2011 30 years and over, the concerned citizens must present the following documents :
- A copy of the consular registration card
- 03 photographs
- Forms to download
- "12S" Birth Certificate
- Passport & ID Card
- Civil Status
- National Service
- Terminating Residency
- Students