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Algiers Arab Summit 2022

Tunisia’s President welcomes Algerian approach to reunite Arab ranks
ALGIERS- Tunisian President Kais Saied welcomed Wednesday the Algerian approach for the reunification of the Arab ranks, which he described as “relevant” and “historic,” calling to address the causes behind the division in the Arab world.
In a statement to the press shortly before the opening of the works of the second day of the Arab Summit, Kais Saied said that the approach presented by President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune for the reunification of the Arab ranks is “relevant” and “historic.”
“It is not the first time that Algeria takes the initiative of uniting the Arab ranks,” he said.
In this respect, Tunisian President called to deal with the real causes behind the division in the Arab world, stressing that President Tebboune’s approach to the reunification of the Arab ranks “could be a turning point in the history of the Arab world.”
“The causes of the division are known by everyone and we cannot reach a solution as long as they are not addressed and without a negotiation with all the sides,” he affirmed.
Emir of Qatar congratulates President Tebboune on Arab Summit's success
ALGIERS- Emir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani congratulated Wednesday President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune on the success of the Arab Summit, hosted by Algeria, expressing the hope that its conclusions would promote the joint Arab action to “promising prospects meeting Arab peoples’ aspirations.”
 “I congratulate my brother President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on the success of the 31st Arab Summit, thanking our brothers in Algeria for the good organization and hospitality. I hope that the Summit’s conclusions would promote the joint Arab action to promising prospects, to meet the aspirations of our Arab peoples for development and prosperity, and to strengthen security and peace in the region,” the Emir of Qatar wrote in his official Twitter account. 
“Arab countries need strengthened collective action to address crises,” says Al-Sissi
ALGIERS- President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Abdel-Fattah Al-Sissi said Wednesday, in Algiers, that the Arab countries needed “a strengthened collective Arab action” to manage the new crises they are going through, calling for the adoption of a joint and comprehensive approach aiming at strengthening collective capacities to face the crises.
 “We still need to strengthen the collective Arab action, especially in the management of new crises that are added to the Palestinian cause, such as Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Sudan, so that the security and peace of the brotherly peoples in these countries are no longer threatened by the recurrence of these crises that affect us all,” said Al-Sissi in his speech at the 31st Arab Summit, in a plenary meeting chaired by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
Arab Summit: Defending Palestinian cause, common principle between Africa, Arab countries
ALGIERS- Current Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Macky Sall affirmed Tuesday, in Algiers, that defending the Palestinian cause is one of the common principles between the Africans and the Arab countries, calling for the strengthening of joint cooperation.
“We are advancing together towards the achievement of common objectives, including the defense of the Palestinian cause, an issue that we will keep defending like all the countries of the Arab League,” said Macky Sall in his speech at the opening of the 31st Arab Summit at the International Center of Conferences “Abdelatif Rahal” (CIC).
This session’s guest of honor said that “the principles of the Arab-African unity are rooted in our culture and our civilization,” welcoming on this occasion the contribution of the Arab Bank to the development in Africa. 
Underscoring that the Arab and African bodies could make further efforts through initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), he called for the strengthening of cooperation in the fields of agriculture, mines, energy, water resources, and pharmaceutical industry, and called on all the Arab economic partners, including the private sector, to continue joint efforts for the investment in Africa.
UN Chief stresses Arab League’s vital in advancing peace, development
ALGIERS- United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stressed Tuesday, in Algiers, the vital role of the Arab League in advancing peace and sustainable development in the world.
“Our world faces great trials and tests. Geopolitical divides are growing and inequalities are deepening. Cooperation is the only way forward, and regional organizations like the League of Arab States have a vital role to play in today’s world,” said Guterres in a speech at the opening of the 31st Arab Summit at the International Centre of Conferences (CIC).
In this regard, he emphasized the necessity of laying foundation for a “solid” and “deep” partnership between the United Nations and the Arab League and to “work together to advance peace, sustainable development and human rights.”
He also stressed the importance of unity in the Arab world, adding that “division opens the door to foreign interference, terrorism, manipulation and to sectarian strife.”
For Guterres, the Arab leaders, “united, are able to shape a region that makes the most of its enormous potential, a region centered on solving differences through dialogue and mutual interest.”
As regards the Palestinian cause, Guterres stressed the necessity of ending “the ongoing suffering” in Palestine. “Peace must advance and occupation must end,” he said. 
In this respect, he called to support the UNRWA which is experiencing a financial crisis threatening its existence. 
Guterres said he is looking forward to continuing work with the Arab League “to address the challenges across the region-from Syria, Lebanon and Yemen… to Libya, Somalia and Sudan.” 
Guterres pointed out the difficult situation the developing countries are experiencing because of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, food crisis, inflation and debts.
Arab Summit: OIC SG calls to step up efforts to protect Palestinian people
 ALGIERS- Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Hissein Brahim Taha emphasized Tuesday, in Algiers, the necessity of step up the international efforts to ensure protection for the Palestinian people.
 “The Palestinian issue is a central issue which unites the Arab and Muslim worlds and requires an increased joint action, in a context marked by the ongoing aggression of the Zionist occupier, which risks aggravating the current situation,” said OIC’s SG in an address he made at the opening of the Arab Summit at the International Center of Conferences (CIC).
He stressed the necessity of “stepping up efforts to ensure the international protection for the Palestinian people and enshrine their basic rights, notably their right to establish an independent State within the borders of 1967, with al-Quds as capital.
 In this respect, he underlined OIC’s support of the Declaration of Algiers for the unification of the Palestinian ranks, affirming that it constitutes “an important milestone” to end the division of the factions and unify the Palestinian people’s ranks.
 “I would like to congratulate the brotherly Algerian people for these invaluable efforts and to have accompanied the Palestinian people,” he added.
 Hissein Brahim Taha affirmed OIC’s support to the Arab League in its efforts aimed to bolster stability and security in Sudan and Libya.
 He stressed the importance of continuing efforts to fight against terrorism and extremism which remain a central concern.  
 He insisted on the strengthening of cooperation with the Arab League on issues of common interest, notably in the economic, scientific and cultural fields as well as in terms of empowerment of women and young people.
Arab Summit: UAE Vice President reaffirms country's firm stance in favor of Arab issues
ALGIERS-Vice President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum who is attending the 31st Arab Summit, in Algiers, reaffirmed his country's firm stance in favor of Arab issues, stressing that strengthening joint Arab action is “the main objective of its foreign policy.”
 “I participated in the Arab Summit’s meetings in Algeria, the country of one and a half million martyrs,” wrote the UAE Vice President on Twitter.
 “Our positions on Arab issues remain firm and constant... Strengthening our joint Arab action will remain the main objective of our foreign policy,” he added.