Welcome to the Algerian Embassy in China      الجزائر والصين توقعان على "الخطة الخماسية الثانية للتعاون الاستراتيجي الشامل للسنوات 2022 - 2026"     إمضاء "الخطة التنفيذية للبناء المشترك لمبادرة الحزام والطريق" و"الخطة الثلاثية للتعاون في المجالات الهامة 2022- 2024"، بين الجزائر والصين.     Algeria, China sign two plans to strengthen comprehensive strategic partnership    


Ethiopia: Algeria welcomes agreement ending hostilities

ALGIERS -Algeria welcomed Thursday the signing by the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front of an agreement ending hostilities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad said in a statement.
"Algeria, which closely follows the events in Ethiopia, welcomes the signing by the Ethiopian government and the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front of an agreement ending hostilities," the ministry said.
"Algeria hails the commitment of both parties to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia and to restore constitutional order in the Tigray region," the statement said.
According to the same source, "the signing of this agreement is welcomed because it contributes to put an end to fratricidal clashes and to launch a dynamic of restoration of harmonious coexistence in the region of Tigray and between the various human components of Ethiopia.
The statement stressed that "Algeria welcomes this salutary event for the brotherly Ethiopian people and encourages the signatory parties to ensure an effective implementation of the agreement.”
Finally, "Algeria pays a fair tribute to the African Union (AU) and the Troika of mediators whose commitment and perseverance led to this eloquent demonstration of the validity of the principle of African solutions to African problems.”