Welcome to the Algerian Embassy in China      الجزائر والصين توقعان على "الخطة الخماسية الثانية للتعاون الاستراتيجي الشامل للسنوات 2022 - 2026"     إمضاء "الخطة التنفيذية للبناء المشترك لمبادرة الحزام والطريق" و"الخطة الثلاثية للتعاون في المجالات الهامة 2022- 2024"، بين الجزائر والصين.     Algeria, China sign two plans to strengthen comprehensive strategic partnership    


Algeria: 60 years of experience in conflict mediation in Africa

ALGIERS-Since its independence in 1962, Algerian diplomacy, now the keystone of the new Algeria, plays an important role in mediating the resolution of crises and conflicts, especially in Africa, by relying on foundations and principles that constitute the doctrine of the country’s foreign policy.
Algerian diplomacy is based on three inalienable principles: the right of peoples to self-determination, the non-interference in the internal affairs of states, and the promotion of inclusive dialogue in international conflicts, regardless of their severity.
Algerian diplomacy was built and consolidated on these foundations since independence and President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune is committed to them since his election in 2019.
Thus, Algeria is taking an active part in dealing with several tensions in the countries of the Sahel and Africa, particularly in Mali, in its dual capacity as leader of the international mediation and chairman of the Follow-up Committee of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, stemming from the Algiers process.
Algerian mediation had been successful, with the diplomatic works resulting in June 2015 in the signing of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali, known as the Algiers Agreement, which is currently being implemented.
In Libya as well, Algeria, which promotes the policy of good neighborliness, is playing a decisive role in resolving the political and security crisis that has afflicted the country since 2011. Its position is based on the political non-interference and the rejection of any foreign intervention in the resolution of the conflict in Libya, advocating a political solution through an inclusive inter-Libyan dialogue.
In this respect, Algiers has hosted a series of inter-Libyan talks in recent years as part of its ongoing efforts to resolve the Libyan crisis.
As far as Western Sahara is concerned, Algeria continues to make sustained efforts to settle the conflict in Africa's last colony. Algeria's constant position for a fair and lasting political solution guaranteeing the self-determination of the Sahrawi people and advocating dialogue between the two parties (Morocco and the Polisario Front) remains unchanged.          
Thanks to Algeria's mediation, the border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia (1998-2000) ended peacefully. Algeria was right to offer its assistance to both parties to resolve the conflict peacefully.
At the Organization of African Unity (OAU) Summit, held in Algiers in July 1999, the parties to the conflict agreed on the modalities for implementing the Algiers Framework Agreement.
Regarding the Renaissance Dam crisis, Algeria is contributing to the joint effort to settle this dispute between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, favoring the path of negotiations between these three countries as the ideal way to reach an agreement that guarantees the rights of all parties, fairly and equitably.

“Algeria, influential State in Africa”
After stepping back from diplomatic activity, Algeria has redeployed its diplomatic strength on the African continent and regained its role as an influential State by participating in international summits and conducting new mediations aimed at settling disputes in the African continent.
In this sense, Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, assured that: “Algeria will set itself up as a pivotal country that will act, as in the past, in exporting peace, stability, and security throughout the African continent, starting with the Sahel-Sahrawi area, to the hotbeds of tension throughout the continent.”
Since independence and until now, Algeria's voice has been listened to and solicited, particularly in the continent. Recently, Guinea requested President Tebboune's support for a “successful and peaceful” transition in this country, which is in the grip of a political crisis.
The reinforcement of the country's diplomatic action, by favoring an approach that is faithful to the foundations of the Algerian State, namely the path of dialogue for the settlement of conflicts and regional crises, has been the battle horse of the President of the Republic since his investiture to the supreme magistracy.
A few months after his election, President Tebboune had affirmed, during his speech at the 33rd ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) in February 2020 in Addis Ababa, that “the new Algeria will remain committed to its principles and commitments, and
 wil, from now on, fully play its role in Africa and the world.”