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Sahrawi cause news

Western Sahara: Persistence of conflict, major concern for world citizens
ALGIERS- The activist of human rights and peoples, Mahrez Lamari, said Friday, in a letter addressed to the participants in the 46th Conference of the European Coordination for the support and solidarity with the Sahrawi people (EUCOCO), that the conflict between Morocco and Western Sahara represents "a major concern for citizens and civil societies of the world."
Lamari who could not attend the 46th Conference of the EUCOCO held in Berlin, Germany, for health reasons assured that "the persistence of this conflict between Morocco and Western Sahara is a major concern for citizens and civil societies of the world because in Africa, only Western Sahara remains a non-self-governing territory to which the UN doctrine and practice of decolonization are still applicable.
"This conflict, which has lasted too long, continues to pose a real threat to peace, stability and security in the region in the face of this denial of rights to the Sahrawi people," he said.
He said, in this regard, that Morocco, which "works to maintain and perpetuate the colonial status quo ... and continues to propose and want to impose its autonomy plan, a dangerous solution ... takes the risk of increasing tension and creating an intolerable situation that would jeopardize the stability of the region and undermine the chances of a fair and final settlement of the conflict.
Lamari said, moreover, that meetings such as that held by the EUCOCO commanded respect and deserved to be "supported and supported," welcoming the initiative of the EUCOCO and "its commitment to the noble values of humanity and the ideals of freedom and independence, human rights and peoples.
Western Sahara: Algeria to host meeting of international parliamentary network
BERLIN- Participants in the International Parliamentary Conference for the self-determination of Western Sahara, held Friday in Berlin (Germany), decided to organize the next meeting of the international parliamentary network for self-determination in Western Sahara in Algeria.
According to the final communiqué of the parliamentary meeting held on the sidelines of the 46th Conference of the European Coordination for the Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People (EUCOCO), participants agreed to support and strengthen the international parliamentary network of support for Western Sahara and to organize the next meeting in Algeria in consideration of "its permanent support for the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and protection of refugees.
They called on other parliaments in the world to support the Saharawi people in their right to self-determination and independence.
They also expressed their "deep concern" about the inability of the United Nations to hold a referendum on self-determination despite its presence in Western Sahara for more than three decades, stressing that "this situation is not only detrimental to the Sahrawi people, but to the resistance of other peoples who struggle against foreign occupation.
The parliamentarians called on the United Nations to "assume their responsibilities and to proceed, without further delay, to the settlement of the conflict in Western Sahara by holding the long-awaited referendum on self-determination and allowing the Sahrawi people to freely exercise their right to self-determination.
They strongly denounced "the new position of the Spanish government on the issue of Western Sahara," calling on Madrid to "return to international legality (...) and assume its historical responsibilities for the completion of the decolonization process of Western Sahara.
They also called on some European countries to "stop their maneuvers in the Security Council to impede the peace process.
The parliamentarians called on Berlin to work "to advance the peace process in Western Sahara and to play a proactive role to put an end to this abject colonialism that some try to legitimize without taking into account the serious consequences that may result.
The participants in this meeting welcomed the latest legal victories in favor of the Sahrawi cause at the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights, in addition to those recorded at the European Court of Justice, thus supporting the decision of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Occupied Sahrawi territories: Algerian MPs insist on necessity of dealing seriously with unprecedented escalation
BERLIN- The head of the Algerian parliamentary delegation and President of the Algeria-Western Sahara Parliamentary Friendship and Fraternity Group Miloud Tessouh insisted Friday, in Berlin (Germany), on the necessity of dealing seriously and responsibly with the unprecedented escalation in the occupied Sahrawi territories, warning against the persistence of the conflict likely to mortgage the region’s peace and security.
Speaking in a parliamentary meeting at the headquarters of the German Parliament (Bundestag), on the sidelines of the 46th European Conference of Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People (EUCOCO), Tessouh affirmed that this meeting “comes in a context marked by an unprecedented escalation in the Sahrawi territories, because of the resumption of the military clashes, following a flagrant violation by Morocco of the ceasefire, after three decades of appeasement and the launch of the UN process, in addition to security and humanitarian abuses and the non-compliance with the international laws and charters, hence the need, for the international community in general and the parliamentarians representing our peoples, to act rapidly and deal with the situation seriously and responsibly.”
In this regard, he said that “the complex global context, where conflicts, wars and crises prevail, putting the international community on permanent alert in order to deal with the urgent issue of Western Sahara, being the longest conflict and the last colony in Africa, adding that “the persistence of the conflict is likely to to mortgage the region’s peace and security.”
“The Sahrawi people are subjected to all kinds of inhuman practices in their territory (torture, assassination, forced displacements … ), in addition to the violation of their basic rights and the illegal exploitation of their resources,” he lamented.
The parliamentarians must find the best mechanisms to give a real impetus to the movement of solidarity with the Sahrawi cause and enable the Sahrawi people to exercise their right to self-determination, said Tessouh.
Based on this conviction and in view of the Parliamentarians’ role in the representation of peoples and their contribution to the international solidarity movement, the project of the international parliamentary network of solidarity with the Sahrawi people was materialized in 2017. 
46th EUCOCO: Saïd Ayachi denounces ongoing Moroccan violations in occupied Western Sahara
BERLIN (Germany)- The chairman of the National Algerian Committee for Solidarity with Western Sahara People, Saïd Ayachi, denounced once again, in Berlin, the silence of the international community in the face of Morocco's suppression and human rights violations in the occupied Sahrawi territories.
"For the past 47 years, Morocco has illegally occupied the territory of Western Sahara, and for 47 years, Morocco has been suppressing Sahrawi people in their own country," Saïd Ayachi said in an address at the 46th European Coordination Conference of Support and Solidarity with Western Sahara People (EUCOCO), opened Friday in the German capital.
"Morocco arrests, jails and tortures Sahrawi people in their own country. Morocco plunders the resources of Western Sahara people. This happens under the eyes and with the silence of the international community, without any call to order, without any condemnation, without any punishment of the Moroccan occupier."
"Morocco is waging today a terrible war against Sahrawi people in Western Sahara," the chairman of the National Algerian Committee for Solidarity with Western Sahara People said.
Saharawi PM reiterates Western Sahara people's right to armed struggle for independence
BERLIN (Germany)- The prime minister of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Bouchraya Hammoudi Bayoun, reiterated in Berlin, Germany, the right of Western Sahara people to resume armed struggle, the only way to put an end to Moroccan occupation.
In an opening address at the 46th European Coordination Conference of Support and Solidarity with Saharawi People (EUCOCO), the Sahrawi prime minister said "the current situation in Western Sahara and the position of some influential countries will only lead to more tension in the region."
The Sahrawi PM denounced "the repeated actions of Morocco and its allies to undermine any solution that may lead to the implementation of international legality."
"International community's efforts to find a peaceful and just solution are vain," he stressed, noting that the attitude of some countries "has been behind the failure to uphold the international law."
Concerning the role of Spain, the administering power of the territory from the legal point of view, Bouchraya Hammoudi Bayoun said this country "has spared no effort to support the illegal Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, disregarding the statements made by MPS at the Spanish Parliament and the wide solidarity campaign with Western Sahara people, and ignoring the international law."